1. Eminent Historians Displeased with the Ayodhya Verdict
2. The Meaning of Hindu Kush
3. The Concocted Mahatma Formula for Ayodhya
4. Ayodhya’s Three History Debates
5. Dr Llewelyn Morgan: Another Hinduphobic from 55
6. Vijayanagar Negationism
7. An “Eminent Historian” Attacks Arun Shourie
8. The Definitive Ayodhya Chronicle
9. Interview about Romila Thapar’s Viewpoint
10. Ayodhya: The Guilt of the ‘Eminent Historians’
11. Chronicle of the Ayodhya Controversy
12. Excerpts from “Academic Bullies”
13. Epitaph for the Ayodhya Affair
14. The NCERT’s Denial of Islamic Iconoclasm’s
15. Ayodhya, the Encyclopedia Entry
16. The Ayodhya Conflict Solved
17. Tenacious Hindu Resistance
18. The Truth about Ayodhya that Many Journalists Seem
to Ignore
19. Down with Birthdays! How Great Occasions Like the
Ayodhya Bhumi Pujan are Turned into Anniversaries
of Others
20. Iconoclasm in Kerala Too
21. What the West’s Academy Has to Say on Ayodhya
22. Negationism in India, and in De Morgen
23. Ayodhya, Mecca: Same Struggle! What if Rama and
Mohammed were Born Elsewhere?
24. A Buddhist Ayodhya?
25. Jainas and Buddhists in Ayodhya
26. Open Letter to Audrey Truschke
27. Ayodhya Forever
28. Why Itihāsa Means “History”
29. What the Rāmāyaṇa Tells us About Itself
30. In Praise of the Ayodhya Scholars
31. Ayodhya as an Eye-opener to the Forces Besieging