A growing publisher with a hungry appetite is always in need of ideas. If you feel that you have a good idea that you would like us to consider, we would be only too happy to do so. We can’t promise to publish every idea or manuscript we receive, we can promise they will be given serious consideration. If we then do decide to go ahead, we can guarantee speedy production and aggressive marketing, all handled by committed staff. If you have an idea, or a completed manuscript, we will be more than happy to talk to you about it.
If you are a prospective author, please send us a proposal to initiate a discussion with us.
A book proposal sent to us should contain:
- 1. Curriculum vitae of the author including published and forthcoming works, if any.
- 2. A detailed synopsis of the book including its themes & objectives. Please do not submit full manuscripts until invited to do so. We shall not be responsible for safe-keeping or returning any such items. It would be best to consult the editorial team before sending anything other than the proposal at the first instance.
- 3. The proposed contents of the book with a paragraph of explanation on what you intend to cover in each chapter. Please also provide the word count of the manuscript.
- 4. One or two sample chapters.
- 5. For illustrated books, please include samples of photographs that would be used in the book
along with estimated number of the images you intend to use
- 6. Any supplementary multimedia products that would enhance the book's marketability
- 7. A description of the target market.
- 8. A list of similar or major competing books in the field. Discuss how your book compares with these titles.
- 9. Any other information you wish to provide.
Please submit only those proposals that are clearly aligned with the focus of our publishing programme. Our current list of titles serve as a good indicator for the subjects that interest us.
Our editorial department will contact you within 30 days of receiving the proposal, if found suitable. In case no communication is received, the author may assume that the proposal does not fit our current list. No letter will be sent out in these cases.